An interview with Chris Tummings
Samantha Russell, herself a TV actor and radio presenter talks with Chris Tummings about his career in the business, including his time on ‘No Problem’, and gets personal with questions on the meaning of love. Plus there’s a blast on the bamboo sax.
Package by: Samantha Russell
This file has been downloaded 91 times
Camden Community Radio Christmas Special
In our last session before Christmas we bring you festive suggestions from family run pop-up shops near King’s Cross, to new theatre and an evening of stories by local writers at the Holborn Library. Plus there’s a special report from Violet on freezing cold swimmers in Hampstead pond at Christmas and a repeat of one of our all time favourite Christmas recordings – Rob Ingliss’s reading of A Christmas Carol, done for CCRadio in 2015.
Merry Christmas!
Package by: Lavinia, Violet, Freddy
This file has been downloaded 158 times
What's On In Camden: 4th December 2017
Ed Sheeran is playing a gig at the London Irish Centre! Donate to the centre’s Christmas appeal to be in with a chance of winning; also at the Irish Centre this week is a vegan festival; There’s a carol concert TONIGHT at 6pm at St Michael’s Church in Highgate; cutting edge theatre from critically acclaimed director John Plews in Kentish Town; Kentish Town City Farm has its Christmas Festival and a fundraiser for All Dogs Matter, a charity that helps rehome dogs in need in London. Free refreshments from people who drop in during a dog walk.
This file has been downloaded 132 times
Faith Leaders: St Pancras Old Church
Father James Elston is the leader of the Church of England congregation at St Pancras Old Church. James tells us about the beliefs and practices of the Church of England. As the priest of one of London’s most ancient churches, James talks about what role his church has in helping those in need in our society today.
This is part of a series of interviews with Faith Leaders from across Camden. Our aim is to learn about different religions and the part they play in shaping our community.
Package by: Freddy Chick
This file has been downloaded 136 times
Finding out about Crisis at Christmas
every year Crisis provides companionship and support for the homeless at Christmas. Lacky talks to Wayne about their experiences of volunteering with Crisis. Alongside shelter and food they offer hairdressing, dentistry, computers and counselling. Wayne explains about the incredibly mood of togetherness that there is at the Crisis at Christmas shelters, as volunteers from all walks of life unite to help those in need. To find out more visit
Package by: Lacky Ahmed
This file has been downloaded 199 times