Refusing to Implode Politely
!!!Coming soon to CCRadio!!!
Zoe Stegosaurus will be bringing you a new show all about the spoken-word poetry scene in London. With interviews and performances by artists on the scene, it will be a unique show bringing you plenty to ponder.
Written and performed by Zoe Stegosaurus
Edited: Freddy Chick
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Camden Newscast 3
In the latest Camden Newscast: Denise O’Connor was in Camden Town to find out what clubbers think about the latest ‘legal highs’ in circulation and also visited an expert to see what may be in store for the unwary. Ketamine baldder, anxiety…. Fiona Wright tries to find out what happened to the walk in clinic that was to be in Stanley Buildings and why the Primary Care Trust has turned its back on its commitment. The PCT are silent so she talks with Cllr Paul Braithwaite about the matter. Jayson Mansaray discovers that losing a grant was the start of a brave new world for Holly Lodge Community Centre. Marian Larragy goes fishing for information.
Presented by Jayson Mansaray
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