UK Student Climate Network at Stop The Coup demo at Downing St August 31st 2019
Camden Community Radio met some of the UK Student Climate Network in Whitehall at the #Stopthecoup rally on Downing Street on August 21st.
She asked them why they were on the demo.
Package: Marian Larragy
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UCL Rent Strike
Camden Community Radio’s Mary Holditch reports from inside the recent rent strike held across UCL halls. It was a protest against student rents being higher than the minimum student loan can cover. It grew into a media story that was reported on worldwide and forced UCL management to talk to the strikers.
Mary is a student at SOAS living in one of the halls that was striking. She reports from inside the strike itself (often inside the kitchen in fact!) to bring you the students’ voices first hand.
Package by: Mary Holditch
This file has been downloaded 271 times