An interview with Chris Tummings
Samantha Russell, herself a TV actor and radio presenter talks with Chris Tummings about his career in the business, including his time on ‘No Problem’, and gets personal with questions on the meaning of love. Plus there’s a blast on the bamboo sax.
Package by: Samantha Russell
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What Are they saying about the 8th Mrs Brown?
This piece was inspired by the fictional TV character Mrs Brown, which is set in Finglas, in North Dublin. A Finglas resident wonders what the people there think of the 8th amendment to the Irish constitution (which gives equal right to life to the foetus as to the pregnant woman), which is the subject of a referendum on 25th May. Taking a trip down memory lane and reviewing the hardships that putting the foetal hearbeat ahead of women’s health caused in Finglas (and all over Ireland). This audio was originally developed for a Speaking of IMELDA performance in Ireland in 2016.
The referendum to repeal the 8th Amendment to the Irish constitution and clear the way for permitting abortion up to 12 weeks takes place on 25th May. For more information, see the attached links
Package by: Marian Larragy
This file has been downloaded 125 times
Racheal Ofori discusses her new play So Many Reasons
‘This idea that women are secondary just doesn’t really add up to me’. So says Racheal Ofori when she discussed her new play ‘So Many Reasons’ with CCRadi’s Lavinia Butt.
‘So Many Reasons’ headlined this year’s Feminist Festival, Calm Down Dear, at the Camden People’s Theatre. A comedy about youth development, marriage, sex and gender roles told through the experiences of a young British-Ghanaian woman. Racheal’s play received 5-star reviews and then went touring the UK.
Package by Lavinia Butt.
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Loca People
A Weird and Wonderful drama, written by and starring Joseph Hughes.
Sophie, Joseph and Freddy are local undertakers finding love in the midst of gloom. Will the nefarious Peter tear their happiness apart?
This file has been downloaded 196 times
Anne Curtis Green Curtain Theatre
Green Curtain Theatre seems to have released a whole lot of creativity, including the winner of the London Short Play Award this year. Anne Curtis talks about the ideas behind the theatre, its recent work and future plans.
Package by: Marian Larragy
This file has been downloaded 255 times