The Workshops - Bushra's journey to university
At the start of the year, Camden Community Radio ran a workshop on interview skills. The participants headed into the studio to test out what they’d learned. These recordings are the result.
Here Bushra speaks to Marian about her journey to university.
Recorded: Violet MacDonald and Freddy Chick
Edited: Marian Larragy
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Ethnic Minority Women Councillors Taskforce at Camden Town Hall
Taskforce member Meryl Ece, the first Turkish woman to be elected a Councillor, Camden resident Khadija H. Shireh of British Somali Community, Ngozi Chiejina of ‘Better Life for Women’ in Broadwater Farm, Tottenham. Francine Fernandez on a shadowing scheme for would be Councillors from Operation Black Vote. Sabrina Francis, a young woman concerned about Camden schools hopes to be elected next year. Pola Uddin, who became a Councillor in Tower Hamlets is now a member of the House of Lords talks with former Leader of Camden Council, Jane Roberts, about the realities of using power to achieve things that matter and the difficulties of getting people to move over and make way for under-represented sections of the population.
- Ethnic Minority Women Councillors Taskforce
- Operation Black Vote
- Councillor Shadowing Scheme
- Camden's Councillors
- Camden Community Radio
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