Talking Shop: The Long Hot Summer
Alix, Bonny, Freddy, Marian & Violet on the Long Hot Summer – From June to O Granny, how could you?
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What's On In Camden - 31st July
On Wednesday this week there’s an evening of music in aid of promoting peace in Palestine and Israel at Cecil Sharp House. Performances will be from Heartbeat, an Israeli-Palestinian music community made up 18 to 25 year olds. Also on the music vibe: get down to the Fiddler’s Elbow for their legendary blues jam session this Tuesday, ‘Squeeze My Lemon’. Here at Maiden Lane Community Centre there is a full program of activities for young people being run during the summer holidays. Highlights this week are trips to Diggerworld and a family trip to a Lido.
Pacakge by: Sharron Woolcock, Violet Macdonald, Ruth Skinner, Marian Larragy, Freddy Chick and Mario Dust
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What's On In Camden - 24th July
The sweltering heat of summer is bearing down on us. School is out. What to do?!! We have some suggestions: you can go to the summer play scheme at the Kentish Town City Farm (includes bush craft and a trip out in the week); WAC arts summer program includes Zombie TV making and parkour; meet new friends at Alexandra Road Park with cricket, yoga and walks; take part in the Camden Unity Cup, one of London’s largest community football tournaments.
Package by: Ruth Skinner, Violet MacDonald, Joseph Hughes, Freddy Chick
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What's on in Camden from 12th April 2015
15th April: Camden History Group hosts Danny Nissim on changes to the South Bank: 16th April: Ruth Leibman ‘The Spring Collection’ opens at WAC: 17h April: ‘Score’ opens at Camden People’s Theatre: April 22nd, ‘Workers before during and after the 1916 Rising’: Ongoing: ‘Four Visions for the Future of Housing’ is at the Royal Academy. Into your calendar for May 1st: ‘Speakeasy Jazzmen’ at Camden Square Gardens; Book ahead for London Irish Writers Summer School.
Read by: Angela Routley, Daniela Manning, Freddy Chick, Joe Hughes & Marian Larragy.
Edited by: Marian Larragy
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Interview with children's author Emma Rea
Just in time for the school holidays comes a new book for children by Camden resident, Emma Rea. “Top Dog” is set in a village in Wales where eleven year old Dylan has adventurous plans for the summer break. His heart is set on building a daring bike track with his friends but suddenly everything is changed by the arrival of a new kid in town.
It’s Emma’s first published work and is available from Pont Books, priced at £5.99. Camden Community Radio’s Ann Carroll spoke to Emma about her exciting book launch and picked up some tips on the writing process.
Package by: Ann Carroll
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