Whats On: Week Beginning 10th October 2011
‘Microcron-Kusum, Secret Signs, Hidden Meanings’ by Owusu Ankomah is at the October Gallery; University College London opens its Tuesday lunch hour lecture series ‘The state of the Nation: Taking Stock’ to anyone interested in its research and academic work; There is a Tea Dance in Bidborough Street; Melissa Benn discusses her book ‘School Wars’ with Institute of Education’s Prof Jane Miller. Frieze Art Fair at Regent’s Park has talks, sculpture and fine food as well as the work of 2000 artists on display; The ‘Arab Spring’ is celebrated in art at Belsize Library; Legendary Kirtan singer, Krishna Das, brings ‘Journey of the Heat’ to the Camden Centre; The Premiere of ‘The Pirate Tapes’ from a young Somali-Canadian is at the Tricycle Cinema and ‘A Walk in the Woods’ plays at the theatre.
Read By: Jayson Mansaray, DJ Peter Tosh, Denise O’Connor, Martin Lim and Marian Larragy
Recording: Jayson Mansaray
Editing: Marian Larragy
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What's On week beginning Monday 12th September, 2011
The London African Music Festival brings Sona Jobarteh to the Bloomsbury Theatre on Monday 12th and Bumi Thomas on Tuesday 13th; Ronna & Beverly the authors of ‘a guide to marriage and re-marriage for Jewish singles are back for the 10pm slot at the Soho Theatre; Experimental theatre in the form of ‘Eternal’ is brought to you by ‘Get in the Back of the Van’ at the Soho. Pascal Ancel Bartholdi photography show is at the Free Space Gallery; Julia Lovell presents ‘The Opium War, Drugs, Dreams and the Making of China’ at Asia House on Thursday; Free Space Gallery hosts the Fail Better Theatre Company and ‘Eastern Europeans for Dummies’ on Saturday 17th; Open House Weekend takes place on Saturday and Sunday; The award winning ‘Mysterious Skin’ opens at the Drill Hall on Sunday 18th.
Read by: Jayson, Marian, Martin and Tosh
- Bloomsbury Theatre
- London African Music Festival
- Soho Theatre
- External
- Asia House
- The Opium Wars; Drugs, Dreams and the Making of Mod China
- London Open House
- Drill Hall
- Mysterious Skin
- Free Space Gallery
- Ronna and Beverly
- Back to Camden Community Radio
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Save Maiden Lane Youth Club
There was outrage on Maiden Lane Estate when Camden Council announced that they were going to stop funding the Youth Club from September. Camden Community Radio went along to a public meeting on 16th September to find out what is happening. In this report by Marian Larragy, we hear views from young people, parents, neighbours, youth workers and politicians. Add YOUR COMMENTS below.
Presented and Edited by: Marian Larragy
- Camden Community Radio
- Return to CCRadio home page
- photos from public meeting
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