Camden Councillor Angela Mason talks to CCRadio about Universal Credit
Angela Mason, Camden Councillor and lead on matters concerning children and families, talked with Camden Community Radio about her concerns re the roll out of the Government’s policy of Universal Credit to Camden.
All new claims for Child Tax Credit, Housing Benefit, Income Support, Income-based JobSeekers Allowance, Income-related Employment & Support Allowance and working tax credit will be replaced by Universal Credit and claims will have to be made online rather than in person.
In 2019, all Housing benefit claims, excluding those of pensioners are to be replaced by Universal credit. Early rollout of the scheme suggests that it will drive people into deeper poverty and great hardship.
Package: Marian Larragy
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An interview with Chris Tummings
Samantha Russell, herself a TV actor and radio presenter talks with Chris Tummings about his career in the business, including his time on ‘No Problem’, and gets personal with questions on the meaning of love. Plus there’s a blast on the bamboo sax.
Package by: Samantha Russell
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Whats On in Camden, week beginning 19th February 2017
‘Loudest Whispers’, the Camden LGBT history month exhibition, is at St Pancras Hospital, Irish LGBT lives are the focus at Gay’s The Word Bookshop on Monday, community safety the theme at Out4Coffee at 42 Beans Cafe on Wednesday at 11am while its “No Fats, No Blacks, No Fems’ is at 184 Royal College Street on Thursday. There is lot and lots more – see the Camden LBGT Forum brochure.
Also this week, Acting Gymnaseum are at Theatro Technis until 26th February, with four great plays – Romeo & Juliet, Lady Windermere’s Fan, Platonov and Three Sisters.
Theatro Technis is sixty years old and os extending into a planned new development on Crowndale Road.
Somers Town and St Pancras Area Action Group Wednesday 22nd at the Community Hall, 82 Godwin Court, Crowndale Road.
Package: Marian Larragy
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What's On in Camden from 21st February 2016
Poetry Nights at Torriano Meeting House; History Walk: The Garrets of Gower Street; Roundhouse hosts Coasts; Conway Hall and No 184 Royal College Street offer LGBT History Month events; Weekly guided walks in King’s Cross area led by CSM Student. Heads up for April performance of The 24 Hour Nonstop Connolly Show.
Read by:
Alexandra Quinn, Denise O’Connor, Freddy Chick, Joseph Hughes, Marian Larragy & Mary Holditch.
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What's on in Camden for the week beginning 12th October, 2014
Sunday morning sees the award winning Indian film ‘Fire in The Blood’ at Bolivar Hall, near Warren Street; Camden Arts Centre has ‘Call and Response’, paintings based on the Harlem Six, the first exhibition in a UK gallery of the celebrated American artist Glenn Ligon; National go online week offers session at Camden and Queen’s Crescent Libraries; Have your say spending cuts at St Pancras Community Centre on Wednesday, from 6.30pm; Cooking Session for 14 to 19 year olds at Maiden Lane Youth Club; Forge in Delancey Street is joining forces with the magazine ‘The Girls Are’ to present a weekend of top female musical talent Friday 17th to Sunday 19th
Read by: Ann Carroll; Freddy Chick, Joe Hughes; Marian Larragy & Mel Williams
Script By: Ann Carroll
Recorded & Edited: Marian Larragy
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