Whats On in Camden for the week beginning August 9th 2014
Last days: For King & Country’ on First world War at the Jewish Museum, Tel: 020 7484 7484; Play reading at Millman Street Community Centre on Fridays for people aged 55+; The Notting Hill Carnival is the subject of an event on Saturday 16th 11am-5.00pm at British Film Institute -a series of films followed by a panel discussion. Summer Celebration at Maiden Lane Community Centre on Saturday 16th, 3pm-8pm.
Script by: Marian Larragy
Read by: Tanya Geddes; Freddy Chick & Laura Kramer
Edited by: Laura Kramer
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Buskers Bat Back with Bazoukas
Is Camden closing down creativity in the borough? Buskers in the borough are protesting against the Council, which has been consulting on plans to force them to pay up to £123 for a licence to busk, with a fine of up to £1,000 for anyone playing without one. Freddy Chick has been finding out what is behind the move and the resistance to it.
Package by: Freddy Chick
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What's On: Week Beginning 10th Nov 2012
‘The Trebic Ghetto’ at 4pm on Sunday 11th November marks the 70th anniversary of the deportation of the Jews of Trebic to death camps: Walk on Hampstead Heath 9.50am on Monday 12th:
Two Launch events for King’s Cross Neighbourhood Forum – Saturday 10th and Wednesday 14th November: The London Jazz Festival runs from Friday 9th to 18th November: Theatro Technis presents ‘Who is Noskov’ – five short plays: ‘Rust And Bone’ is film of the week: ‘Journeys East – A Discovery of Hidden Treasures’ a community exhibition at The Wallace Collection – including work form the Asian Women’s Group in West Hampstead.
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