The War
The second of three short stories written and read by Olivia Ebony White
Click on the links at the right to hear “The War” and “Cupcakes and Ginger Beer”
Produced, recorded and edited: Marian Larragy
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Philosophy of Mind @ Mind in Camden
This podcast is about a ‘Philosophy of Mind’ workshop series, which ran at Mind in Camden, a local mental health charity, in October 2017.
The first part of this podcast is an interview with Sophie Stammers, the creator and facilitator of the workshop series and a philosopher at the University of Birmingham – she tells us about her work and her experience of facilitating the group. The rest of the podcast (from 12.25 onwards) is a group discussion amongst several participants about their experiences of the group – what was most important, what the group felt like, and what has stayed with them…
All of Sophie’s materials for the workshop series are online, so if you like what you hear you can go online and access them yourself at the link next to this podcast.
Package by: Bonnie Astor
Recording: Violet McDonald, Freddy Chick
- Project Perfect website
- About the work of Sophie & her colleagues
- Ted Talk on
- Three stigmas about mental health we need to deconstruct
- About other courses and groups at Mind
- Back to Camden Community Radio
- Follow Camden Community Radio on Twitter
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Aysen Soyer LLB: On getting a divorce
Aysen Soyer is a Family Law Solicitor at Wilsons Solicitors in Tottenham. In a new series for Camden Community Radio, Aysen discusses some of the most common questions that she gets from her clients. For the first episode, she discusses getting a divorce, covering the full process from start to finish, and whether you need to consult a lawyer.
If you have any questions or comments for Aysen, you can email her on, or tweet @CCRadio.
Package by Aysen Soyer and Violet Macdonald
This file has been downloaded 63 times
Camden Newscast - 11th Februrary 2012
Camden Newscast brings you the top local stories:
The Camden New Journal, got such a response to its XMAS appeal that it has some left over to give to local groups, What will be the impact of cuts to the budget for Camden’s Community Law Centre ; The waves from the scandal of sexual abuse of children by Catholic priests are washing up at the Pope’s home in Rome as evidence is taken to Court at The Hague; We look back at the history of Camden’s Drill Hall Theatre, which closed suddenly at the end of 2011 after 30 years of serving marginalised sections of society.
‘Drifting’ or psychogeography
Features Editor & Presenter: Jayson Mansaray
Features by: Darryl McKay, Denise O’Connor, Jayson Mansaray & Marian Larragy
Supplementary editing: Laurie Bolger
- Camden New Journal (CNJ)
- Camden Community Law Centre
- International Criminal Court
- Drill Hall Theatre is no more
- Psychogeography
- More Psychogeography
- Do You Remember Women's Night at the Drill hall
- Camden Community Law Centre
- 020784 6510
- Article
- Abuse victims seek ICC case against pope (AP)
- Survivors Network of those Abused by Priests
- Ingestre Road Good Neighbour Scheme
- CNJ Hamper Appeal Fund Article
- To apply please write to: The Editor, Camden New Journal, 40 Camden Road, NW1 9DR, phone Jean Tirebuck on 0207 424 3256 or email:
- Back to Camden Community Radio
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Arts & Ents: Live Interview: Veronica Needa Talks To Camden Community Radio
This week in Arts and Entertainment Darryl McKay meets well-travelled playback theatre practitioner Veronica Needa.
During the interview Veronica talks about the Chinese New Year, Chinese culture and how her work has taken her around the globe from London to Hong Kong and back again.
She also shares her observations and experiences from teaching and learning Playback theatre.
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