What Does HealthWatch Camden Do?
Frances Hasler of Healthwatch Camden explains how Healthwatch supports local people in improving services. By finding out what the priorities are for improvements in the provision of health and social care services, Helathwatch Camden then works to get things changed. Recently Healthwatch Camden helped the users of mental health services in Highgate to explain to Camden Council and to service providers what was wrong with the way that they were re-organising services. The work of Healthwatch Camden can influence future service provision on other issues as well.
Package by: Marian Larragy
- Healthwatch Camden
- Healthwatch Camden/Independent Age Develop quality indicators on Local Care Homes
- Healthwatch Camden Reports on Local Care Homes
- Healthwatch Camden on Transformation & Sustainability Plans for NHS in Camden
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Camden Newscast April 2014
Freddy Chick interviews Cantelowes Ward Councillor Angela Mason about her role and what it involves. How local politics can influence local residents lives, the importance of participating in local politics and about the nature of the job itself. Freddy also got the chance to attend Camden People’s Theatre’s annual fringe theatre festival ‘Sprint’, where he interacts with performance artists and brings the show to listeners ears. He talks to artistic director Brian Logan from the organisation, who explains what they do.
Features by:
Freddy Chick
Presented and edited by: Sarah O’Brien
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Camden Newscast - 9
Jayson talks to former Weekend Arts College student, Chris Preddie, who has been awarded an OBE for work in the community and the controversy that has followed; Darryl McKay explores what is happening with Camden’s two year youth work programme funding. Denise O’Connor reviews recent film release ‘Shame’. CCRadio’s FanBanter Presenter T O, reports on Arsenal Ladies fixtures and analyses the prospects for the team next season.
Presented and Edited by: Jayson Mansaray
Features by: Denise O’Connor, Darryl McKay, Jayson Mansaray and Taiwo Ogunlabi/Marian Larragy.
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South Hampstead Against The Cuts
CCradio’s David Kirkwood went to Rowley Way last week, to see what was behind South Hampstead Against The Cuts. He found a lot of people with very strong views on what is going on. They are very strongly opposed to the proposed cuts to services in Camden and to reductions in benefits.
- South Hampstead Against The Cuts
- False Economy
- Think Mortgage rather than Credit Card bill for deficit
- Living wage & inhouse services
- Webcast of cabinet meeting where Camden Council voted on cuts, 1st December
- Back to Camden Community Radio
- Cuts to Adult Social Care
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