Mimi Romilly's "HS2 Protest Song"
Mimi Romilly, lifelong Somers Town resident, came into CCRadio to record her protest song against HS2.
Here it is. Expect more from Mimi and her song of protest against the train.
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Stop that train! An interview with Mimi Romilly on her HS2 protest song
Mimi Romilly spoke to Violet about the disruption HS2 will cause around Euston and the lack of understanding or genuine interest HS2 Ltd. shows towards the local community. Mimi sings her ‘HS2 Protest Song’ and then is joined for another rendition by Dust from Psychopathic Romantics.
Package by: Violet Macdonald
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Irene McGarvey's May Music Podcast
Irene McGarvey is back with her selection of top tracks for May 2014
They are:
Lux Lisbon : Get Some Scars
The Agency: Child so Careless
Sean Taylor : Save me and The Road
The House of Lions: Uncruel
Basheba : No More
Package by: Irene McGarvey
This file has been downloaded 214 times
What's on in Camden: Week Beginning March 30th, 2014
The Forge Venue and Caponata Restaurant Mother’s Day: Mr Darcy Unwrapped. Somers Town and St. Pancra’s Action Group. Camden People’s Theatre: Sprint Festival. Also Camden People’s Theatre: Laqueum. Maiden Lane Community Centre: Roundhouse Circus ‘Echoes’. Jobs and Apprenticeship Fair and Easter Play Scheme. Loudest Whispers Exhibition at St. Pancras Hospital.
Read by: Ann Carroll, Marian Larragy, Freddy Chick, Sarah O’Brien, Sarah O’Brien, Joe Hughes and DJ Rudeboy P.Tosh.
Edited by: Sarah O’Brien
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Whats On 15th May 2011
Award winning trad musican Ewan McLennan is performing at Green Note on Parkway in Camden Town;
‘Timeline’ – a film journey between Camden Town & Kentish Town shows at the James Wigg surgery.
King’s Cross Area Action Group, Highgate Area Action Group and the St Pancras and Somers Town Area Action Groups all meet this week.
Camden Rock is at Kentish Town Road and the ‘the Accidental Festival’ is on at the Roundhouse. Advance low down on Sound System Culture in June.
And a Job Ad for a Website Officer at Camden Council
Read by:
Aaron McCarter, Amy Solomon, Marian Larragy, Martin Lim & DJ Rudeboy P. Tosh
Edited by: Aaron McCarter
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