Whats on in Camden: week beginning 19th Jan 2014
Maureen Lipman has a Special Evening at the Royal Free; ‘Etcetera Theatre has ‘Princess Therapy’, ‘Framed’. ‘Why is John Lennon Wearing a Skirt?’ and more, ‘The Ollam’ are at Orange Yard; ‘Then & Now’ – Conversation takes place at LSE; Ageism workshop in Holborn and London ‘70s Sisters in Waterloo; Jeremy Seabrook on ‘Pauperland – Poverty & The Poor in Britain’.
Read by: Tom, DJ Rudeboy P.Tosh, Joe Hughes, Marian Larragy & Sarah O’Brien
Script: Marian Larragy
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Camden Newscast 12
Sarah Brown visits Swiss Cottage Library for the London Quilt Associations exhibition and talks to Charlotte Briere-Edney about Piggy Bank Kids, a charity set up by the wife of former Prime Minister Gordon Brown.
Denise O’connor checks out Pete Doherty’s exhibition and discusses the finer detail of canvases covered in the artist’s blood.
The Camden Federation of Private Tenants is another long standing Camden organisation facing closure because of cuts…Cina Aissa is on the case!
Presented & Edited by Jayson Mansaray
Features by:
Charlotte Briere-Edney
Cina Aissa
Denise O’Connor
Features Editor: Jayson Mansaray
Asst Feat. Editor: Marian Larragy
- London Quilters
- London Quilters Association
- Swiss Cottage Library
- Piggy Bank Kids
- Cobb Gallery & Studios
- CamdenFed
- Camden Federation of Private Tenants & Residents Association
- Back to Camden Community Radio
- CCRadio on Twitter
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What's on in Camden, March 3rd-10th 2012
Art exhibitions at The Parlour Gallery and The Free Space Gallery both in Queens Crescent; Quilt Exhibition at Swiss Cottage Library; poetry at The Roebuck and at Torriano; Escort Orchestra is at the Camden Jazz Cafe and Honky Dory at the Tricycle Theatre; the Asian Film Festival is at Asia House in Cavendish Square; Sprint Festival at Camden People’s Theatre; Louise Bourgeois exhibition at the Freud Museum; International Women’s Day will be celebrated from 1pm-4pm at West Hampstead Women’s Centre and poet Ruth O’Callaghan reads.
Produced by: Darryl McKay
Read by: Charlotte Briere-Edney, Darryl McKay, Denise O’Connor, Laurie Bolger and Marian Larragy
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What's On in Camden, Week Beginning 17th October 2011
The Film Festival of Indigenous Peoples is on at venues in and close to Camden until 21st October: Coram Family will be holding music and art sessions for families with children aged 0-5 three mornings this week: UCL Lunch Hour Lecture features Prof Catherine Hall on Mary Prince, Elizabeth Barrett-Browning and nineteenth century anti-slavery campaigns: ‘His Teeth’ plays at the Only Connect Theatre play. Written by Ben Musgrave, it was inspired by conversations with ex-offender, Ralph Ojotu: Camden Parent’s Together is at Haverstock School, 1pm-5pm on Saturday – details, 020 7974 6649: Dance Around The World at Cecil Sharp House provides a chance to see the Peruvian Scissors Dance which UNESCO has designated as ‘Intangible World Heritage’; Try out a range of sports and activities at Give it a Go at Kentish Town Sports Centre; Bloomsbury Festival mixes it all up with 150 events over two and half days.
Read by:
Athos Harber, DJ Rudeboy Peter Tosh,
Marian Larragy, Martin Lim & Sarah O’Brien
Recorded and Edited by: Marian Larragy
- London Film Festival of Indigenous Peoples
- Coram Foundation
- UCL 'Voicing Slavery'
- Only Connect Theatre
- Apple Day at Maiden Lane Community Centre
- Dance Around the World Festival
- Sport Give It A Go
- Bloomsbury Festival website
- Blomsbury Festival on Twitter
- Back to Camden Community Radio
- Camden Commuity Radio on Twitter
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