Philosophy of Mind @ Mind in Camden
This podcast is about a ‘Philosophy of Mind’ workshop series, which ran at Mind in Camden, a local mental health charity, in October 2017.
The first part of this podcast is an interview with Sophie Stammers, the creator and facilitator of the workshop series and a philosopher at the University of Birmingham – she tells us about her work and her experience of facilitating the group. The rest of the podcast (from 12.25 onwards) is a group discussion amongst several participants about their experiences of the group – what was most important, what the group felt like, and what has stayed with them…
All of Sophie’s materials for the workshop series are online, so if you like what you hear you can go online and access them yourself at the link next to this podcast.
Package by: Bonnie Astor
Recording: Violet McDonald, Freddy Chick
- Project Perfect website
- About the work of Sophie & her colleagues
- Ted Talk on
- Three stigmas about mental health we need to deconstruct
- About other courses and groups at Mind
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Keir Starmer MP at 'Stop the Coup' Rally, Russell Square, Saturday 31st
On Saturday 31st August, hundreds of people gathered in Camden to protest at the proposal that parliament be shut down for 5 weeks, essentially to inhibit elected MPs from stopping a No-Deal Brexit. Hear extracts of what some of the speakers said. ...
Georgia Gould, Leader Camden Council introduced the speakers at the rally to #StopTheCoup #DefendOurDemocracy at Russell Square – part of a UK-wide series of demonstrations:
Camden Community Radio compiled clips from most of the speakers as well as short podcasts of individual speakers. Like Sava, we weren’t there early enough to catch everybody but we did hear
Sava Asif, Lazzaro Pietragnoli EU Citizens’ Champion; Seb Dance, MEP Louisa Brewer – Lib Dem Councillor, Liz Wheatley – Branch Secretary, Camden Unison Branch; Labour Campaign for Free Movement
Joan Bakewell and Keir Starmer MP
Package: Marian Larragy
- Petition against Shutdown of Parliament for 5 weeks
- Demo for Free Movement of Migrants
- Voices from Russell Square
- Sava Asif
- Lazzaro Pietragnoli EU Citizens’ Champion
- Liz Wheatley – Secretary, Camden Unison Branch
- Seb Dance, MEP
- Louisa Brewer – Lib Dem Councillor
- Labour Campaign for Free Movement
- Joan Bakewell
- Speaker
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Joan Bakewell at 'Stop the Coup' Rally, Russell Square, Saturday 31st
Georgia Gould, Leader Camden Council introduced the speakers at the rally to #StopTheCoup #DefendOurDemocracy at Russell Square – part of a UK-wide series of demonstrations:
Camden Community Radio compiled clips from most of the speakers as well as short podcasts of individual speakers. Like Sava, we weren’t there early enough to catch everybody but we did hear
Sava Asif, Lazzaro Pietragnoli EU Citizens’ Champion; Seb Dance, MEP Louisa Brewer – Lib Dem Councillor, Liz Wheatley – Branch Secretary, Camden Unison Branch; Labour Campaign for Free Movement
Joan Bakewell and Keir Starmer MP
Package: Marian Larragy
- Petition against Shutdown of Parliament for 5 weeks
- Demo for Free Movement of Migrants
- Voices from Russell Square
- Sava Asif
- Lazzaro Pietragnoli EU Citizens’ Champion
- Liz Wheatley – Secretary, Camden Unison Branch
- Seb Dance, MEP
- Louisa Brewer – Lib Dem Councillor
- Labour Campaign for Free Movement
- Keir Starmer MP
- Speaker
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- Follow Camden Community Radio on Twitter
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Ben Labour Campaign for Free Movement at 'Stop the Coup' Rally, Russell Square, Saturday 31st
Georgia Gould, Leader Camden Council introduced the speakers at the rally to #StopTheCoup #DefendOurDemocracy at Russell Square – part of a UK-wide series of demonstrations:
Camden Community Radio compiled clips from most of the speakers as well as short podcasts of individual speakers. Like Sava, we weren’t there early enough to catch everybody but we did hear
Sava Asif, Lazzaro Pietragnoli EU Citizens’ Champion; Seb Dance, MEP Louisa Brewer – Lib Dem Councillor, Liz Wheatley – Branch Secretary, Camden Unison Branch; Labour Campaign for Free Movement
Joan Bakewell and Keir Starmer MP
Package: Marian Larragy
- Petition against Shutdown of Parliament for 5 weeks
- Demo for Free Movement of Migrants
- Voices from Russell Square
- Sava Asif
- Lazzaro Pietragnoli EU Citizens’ Champion
- Liz Wheatley – Secretary, Camden Unison Branch
- Seb Dance, MEP
- Louisa Brewer – Lib Dem Councillor
- Joan Bakewell
- Keir Starmer MP
- Speaker
- Back to Camden Community Radio
- Follow Camden Community Radio on Twitter
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Louisa Brewer LIb Dem Cllr at 'Stop the Coup' Rally, Russell Square, Saturday 31st
Georgia Gould, Leader Camden Council introduced the speakers at the rally to #StopTheCoup #DefendOurDemocracy at Russell Square – part of a UK-wide series of demonstrations:
Camden Community Radio compiled clips from most of the speakers as well as short podcasts of individual speakers. Like Sava, we weren’t there early enough to catch everybody but we did hear
Sava Asif, Lazzaro Pietragnoli EU Citizens’ Champion; Seb Dance, MEP Louisa Brewer – Lib Dem Councillor, Liz Wheatley – Branch Secretary, Camden Unison Branch; Labour Campaign for Free Movement
Joan Bakewell and Keir Starmer MP
Package: Marian Larragy
- Petition against Shutdown of Parliament for 5 weeks
- Demo for Free Movement of Migrants
- Voices from Russell Square
- Sava Asif
- Lazzaro Pietragnoli EU Citizens’ Champion
- Liz Wheatley – Secretary, Camden Unison Branch
- Seb Dance, MEP
- Labour Campaign for Free Movement
- Joan Bakewell
- Keir Starmer MP
- Speaker
- Back to Camden Community Radio
- Follow Camden Community Radio on Twitter
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