What's On In Camden: 24th February 2018
There’s plenty to chase the unseasonal cold away with. First up: dog lovers can take part in a sponsored dog walk in Waterloo Park organised by Cancer Research UK, Swiss Cottage library is running many amazing classes including gentle yoga for over 60s, or always dreamed of dressing up for a night at the Oscars? At Upstairs at the Village you have the chance by seeing A Night At the Oscars.
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What's On In Camden: 4th December 2017
Ed Sheeran is playing a gig at the London Irish Centre! Donate to the centre’s Christmas appeal to be in with a chance of winning; also at the Irish Centre this week is a vegan festival; There’s a carol concert TONIGHT at 6pm at St Michael’s Church in Highgate; cutting edge theatre from critically acclaimed director John Plews in Kentish Town; Kentish Town City Farm has its Christmas Festival and a fundraiser for All Dogs Matter, a charity that helps rehome dogs in need in London. Free refreshments from people who drop in during a dog walk.
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Interview with children's author Emma Rea
Just in time for the school holidays comes a new book for children by Camden resident, Emma Rea. “Top Dog” is set in a village in Wales where eleven year old Dylan has adventurous plans for the summer break. His heart is set on building a daring bike track with his friends but suddenly everything is changed by the arrival of a new kid in town.
It’s Emma’s first published work and is available from Pont Books, priced at £5.99. Camden Community Radio’s Ann Carroll spoke to Emma about her exciting book launch and picked up some tips on the writing process.
Package by: Ann Carroll
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Whats on in Camden for the week beginning 26th July 2014
Jane Fonda on Trial finishes its run Upstairs at The Gatehouse, Box Office: 020 8340 3488; Union Chapel hosts Sunday Singers with vocalist and violinist Alice Sawadzki. Sunday 2.30pm and the Roy Hargrove Quintet. on Thursday; John Healy, author of ‘The Grass Arena’ talks with Tony Murry at Housman’s Bookshop; Green Curtain Theatre have a midweek double bill for ‘Community Service’ and ‘Just Above Dogs’ in Camden Square.
Scripted and Read By: Aronda Atkinson & Marian Larragy
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Camden Community Radio Introduces…Music to YOU that “We” like!
Irene McGarvey is back with a new series Camden Community Radio Introduces …Music to YOU that “We” like!
Her Music picks are from Centrefold, Russian Gun Dogs, Jehnniel and Red Jacobins.
Listen and Enjoy!!!
Presented & Produced by: Irene McGarvey
If you have music to be introduced contact Irene@ccradio.org
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