UK Student Climate Network at Stop The Coup demo at Downing St August 31st 2019
Camden Community Radio met some of the UK Student Climate Network in Whitehall at the #Stopthecoup rally on Downing Street on August 21st.
She asked them why they were on the demo.
Package: Marian Larragy
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What's On In Camden for 15th January 2018
The Calm Down Dear festival at the Camden People’s Theatre showcases original and challenging feminist theatre; the Lumiere festival is returning to London at the end of the week—lighting up some of the cities most iconic buildings and sites (including many in Camden); a new film all about the life of Madness frontman Suggs is coming out this week with a premiere in Camden.
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LGBT Gay Sweatshop
Marian Larragy first saw Gay Sweatshop perform in Dublin in 1976, where their presence was a media sensation. Here she goes back to meet Julie Parker, former member of Gay Sweatshop, to ask about the impact of the first professional lesbian and gay theatre group on the world of the 1970s.
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