Tearing Us Apart: Myers Briggs
Myers Briggs tests are known all over the world as a way of finding out what “personality type” you belong to. Middle-managers and teenagers swear by them. Violet uncovers the history of the Myers Briggs test and Freddy takes one for the first time.
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Aridja's Podcast - authenticity
Authenticity is tricky to define. Sometimes it’s tricky to know what your authentic identity is and who you should try to be. Aridja reflects on her efforts to be true to herself even when the mics are on.
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Aridja's Podcast - quarter life crisis
Begin as you mean to go on. Aridja’s Podcast starts with openness and honesty.
This time Aridja chats about the quarter life crisis. Being a young adult is hard these days and it’s easy to feel like you’re losing out or being left behind. If you’re feeling like this yourself then don’t worry. Aridja has your back.
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Camden's Hidden Treasures 4: Modernist masterpiece
Welcome to Camden’s Hidden Treasures hosted by Bonny Astor and featuring the Camden Tour Guides and their favourite secret places!
2 Willow Road is a treasure trove of modernist architecture, art, and design. Bonny meets Camden Tour Guide (and veteran 2 Willow Road Guide) Geoff to hear the story of the mastermind behind it – Erno Goldfinger – and for a tour of this unusual National Trust property
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Camden's Hidden Treasures 3: Two Marys
Welcome to Camden’s Hidden Treasures hosted by Bonny Astor and featuring the Camden Tour Guides and their favourite secret places!
Bonny meets Camden Tour Guide Alan on Tavistock Place to hear about two famous Marys. As well as sharing the stories and legacies of these contrasting women, Alan points out some remarkable details that you might otherwise miss.
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