Tearing Us Apart: Isolation
This week on CCRadio we have an episode of Violet and Freddy’s psychology series Tearing Us Apart. The theme is appropriate for now—Isolation!
This was recorded before the coronavirus pandemic started, but it still seems relevant to play now.
Package by: Violet Macdonald and Freddy Chick
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Tearing Us Apart: Myers Briggs
Myers Briggs tests are known all over the world as a way of finding out what “personality type” you belong to. Middle-managers and teenagers swear by them. Violet uncovers the history of the Myers Briggs test and Freddy takes one for the first time.
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Camden Councillor Angela Mason talks to CCRadio about Universal Credit
Angela Mason, Camden Councillor and lead on matters concerning children and families, talked with Camden Community Radio about her concerns re the roll out of the Government’s policy of Universal Credit to Camden.
All new claims for Child Tax Credit, Housing Benefit, Income Support, Income-based JobSeekers Allowance, Income-related Employment & Support Allowance and working tax credit will be replaced by Universal Credit and claims will have to be made online rather than in person.
In 2019, all Housing benefit claims, excluding those of pensioners are to be replaced by Universal credit. Early rollout of the scheme suggests that it will drive people into deeper poverty and great hardship.
Package: Marian Larragy
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Transformation & Sustainability Plans for the NHS in Camden
Healthwatch Camden thinks that it is vital that work on Sustainability and Transformation plans listen to what local people have to say. Some of the proposals seem alarmingly likely to lead to privatisation of the NHS as well as to cuts in services.
We’ve found a link to survey from NHS Support Federation on Sustainability and Transformation Partnerships
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Two and a Quarter Centuries of Conway Hall
Lacky talks to Jim Walsh of Conway Hall, which is run by the South Place Ethical Society that was founded (on 14th February) 1793 and is the last remaining ethical society in the UK and the oldest free thought organization in the world.
Jim knows all about the historic building and its fascinating artifacts of English culture, especially relating to free thinking and Humanism.
Conway Hall has been the jumping off place of important movements and causes – anti-apartheid, abolition of capital pubishment, where public figures such as Charles Darwin, Lisa Jardine and Tony Benn challenged current thinking.
Conway Hall has teamed up with Trunkman Productions to tell the story of Moncure Conway after whom the building is named. A documentary ‘The Empty Niche: The Long Lost Bust Of Moncure Conway’ is available from 25th February on YouTube. It tracks the history of Conway Hall and the mysteriously empty niche that has sat in its foyer since it opened.
Interview: Lacky Ahmed
Recording: Freddy Chick
Editing: Lacky Ahmed
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