Episode 2: The postwar life of a nursing orderly
These 4 podcasts explore the Legacy of the Endell Street Military Hospital, the only British army hospital to have been established and run by women during WW1. Opened in 1915 on the site of a former Victorian workhouse by Suffragette doctors Flora Murray and Louisa Garrett Anderson, its staff of 180 women treated over 26,000 in-patients and performed over 7,000 surgical operations. In 2018 a group of local volunteers came together to learn research and recording skills as part of a Heritage Lottery funded project, and they created these podcasts to share their findings about what happened to the hospital and its female staff members after the war ended.
Podcast by: Digital Drama
- Episode 1
- The legacy of WWI women doctors
- Episode 3
- Interview with Endell Street Military Hospital author Wendy Moore
- Episode 4
- What became of the hospital building after WWI
- Digital Drama Projects
- Digital Drama News
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Was Trump Inspired by the Kindertransport?
Is it ever okay to separate a child from their parents? Fingers Crossed Theatre Company explore the effect of separation and immigration on a person’s identity, in their devised play ‘Central (Story) Line’. Three Jewish children arrive in London on the Kindertransport, fleeing from the Nazis. They find themselves at Liverpool Street Station – with no one there to pick them up. This show combines pop culture (Elvis, The Doors, Abba, Britney) with political speeches to explore how these children develop through the decades. How does it feel to be an immigrant in a fast-changing world, and what effect does that initial separation have? Touching on universal topics from love, to loss, to fitting in, this show combines humour with poignance and some classic songs – oh, and it’s also entirely set on the tube!
Package by: Alex Hattenstone
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Anne Curtis Green Curtain Theatre
Green Curtain Theatre seems to have released a whole lot of creativity, including the winner of the London Short Play Award this year. Anne Curtis talks about the ideas behind the theatre, its recent work and future plans.
Package by: Marian Larragy
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CCRadio Grassroots radio submission
Here is a chance to listen to the compilation of shows that CCRadio entered for the ‘Grassroots Radio’ category in the Audio Production Awards. We couldn’t include anything like all the amazing radio that we’ve made this year, just a few examples of some new shows that we’re very proud of.
Clips from: Refusing to Implode Politely by Zoe Stegosaurus
A Night at the Circus by Mary Holditch
The Adventures of Joe by Joseph Hughes
Mitten on a Railing by Peter Hayes and Freddy Chick
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What's On In Camden from 6th September 2015
Angel Canal Festival all day Sunday is at City Basin on the Regent’s Canal; ‘Bach to the Future’ with Fenella Humphreys and Nina Leo plays the French masters at the Forge; ‘The Jewish Legends’ are Upstairs at The Gatehouse in Highgate; comedy ‘The Priory’ is at Theatro Technis; ‘Hidden Charms’ play at Koko on Friday supported by DJs Amazonica and Alana B Devotion: Exhibition of art by swimmers from the Ladies Pond, in Kenwood House Orangery, Saturday 12th and Sunday 13th.
Read by: Catherine Carroll, Freddy Chick, N.N.Dee, Joe Hughes & Marian Larragy.
- Angel Canal Festival
- Theatro Technis
- The Priory
- Forge: Fenella Humphreys
- 'Bach to the Future'
- Soiree Classique
- Nina Leo
- The Jewish Legends
- Hidden Charms at Koko Club
- Kenwood House
- 'Ladies Pond' Swimmers Present...
- Back to home page
- Follow Camden Community Radio on Twitter
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