Camden Newscast 12
Sarah Brown visits Swiss Cottage Library for the London Quilt Associations exhibition and talks to Charlotte Briere-Edney about Piggy Bank Kids, a charity set up by the wife of former Prime Minister Gordon Brown.
Denise O’connor checks out Pete Doherty’s exhibition and discusses the finer detail of canvases covered in the artist’s blood.
The Camden Federation of Private Tenants is another long standing Camden organisation facing closure because of cuts…Cina Aissa is on the case!
Presented & Edited by Jayson Mansaray
Features by:
Charlotte Briere-Edney
Cina Aissa
Denise O’Connor
Features Editor: Jayson Mansaray
Asst Feat. Editor: Marian Larragy
- London Quilters
- London Quilters Association
- Swiss Cottage Library
- Piggy Bank Kids
- Cobb Gallery & Studios
- CamdenFed
- Camden Federation of Private Tenants & Residents Association
- Back to Camden Community Radio
- CCRadio on Twitter
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Camden Uncut
Cuts to public services across the UK are severe. But in Camden this week, it’s the changes to childcare that are making the most noise. A protest at the Town Hall on Wednesday the 23rd of Feb was followed by a “feminist bail-in” at Natwest bank on Saturday – organised by the protest group UK Uncut.
They transformed the Camden High Street branch into a creche to highlight how the money propping up the banks is being taken from front-line public services. CCRadio’s Harriet Bird joined the protest and heard how the cuts will affect Camden parents.
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Camden Live - Episode 1, January 2011
Camden Live showcases groups that are playing live in Camden this week. Presented by David Kirkwood, Camden Live – Episode 1 features: Queens English * F3tch * Fly By Night * IDIOM * Red Button Exit * Seven Year Kismet * Stars Of The Search Party * The Raven * Morning Parade * Toy Horses * Goodnight And I Wish * The Drop Five.
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