Camden Newscast 8 - January 2012
Camden Newscast is back with the latest news:
Youth Employment opportunities are low and there is pressure to fix it. Darryl McKay checks out a new scheme in nearby Islington that addresses the problem.
Jayson Mansaray meets the Camden Met Police (MPS) about changes to Stop & Search laws and discovers that MPSCamden are Tweeting.
And at a time when many people need to borrow small amounts of money, Marian & Jayson take a look at an alternative way of borrowing: CamdenPlus – a local credit union. And Marian Larragy gives you a helping ‘hand’ to uncover Gaelic Handball in Camden.
Presented & Edited by Jayson Mansaray
Marian Larragy
Darryl McKay
Jayson Mansaray
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What's On: Week Beginning 1st August
Camden Fringe Festival starts on 1st August with theatre, music, dance, comedy and magic. There are some free events at St Pancras Station and in St Martin’s Gardens. Camden Council consults on regeneration plans for Maiden Lane Estate – contact; Emad Altaay exhibition and supporting theatre opens at Free Space Gallery. Summer programme runs weekdays at Maiden Lane Estate; Weekend Arts College training in performance arts for young people on the autistic spectrum.
Read by: Amy Solomon, Athos Harber, Bose Koku, Marian Larragy and Nicholas Odutoye
Research: Marian Larragy/Amy Solomon
Recorded by: David Michaels
Edited by James Davies
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