The Roundhouse gets a Feminist Takeover - F Word
The Roundhouse gets a Feminist Takeover.
Fierce female line ups might be a thing of the past but they are also certainly the future. Meet the women who are proudly challenging gender politics in the music industry. Richard Pye chats to FWord founder Mackinlay Ingham and artist SADIE before they take over Camden Rpundhouse with FWord and friends on 25th October.
Package by: Richard Pye
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How To Win At Break Ups
If you’ve ever wanted to get on top of modern dating etiquette, then this is the show for you. Director Sally Wood and the cast and crew of Camden Fringe comedy, ‘How To Win At Break Ups’ talk to Alix Hattenstone about their hilarious and emotional show. Based on recorded interviews, this show looks at the age-old question of how to be happy again after heartbreak, and the even more pressing question – should you like his Instagram or not?
Camden Fringe runs until 26th August.
Package: Alix Hattenstone
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Kickstarting New Careers Through Access Courses
Matthew Clarke and Bradley Moon both left school at 16 with low qualifications. Matthew struggled with dyslexia and a lack of support at school. Bradley wasn’t interested in education, preferring to play football. Later in life, they each discovered the Access to Higher Education Programme, which has changed their lives. Here they talk with Camden Community Radio’s Alix Hattenstone about how Matthew has graduated with a first class Degree in Sports Science and Bradley is going into the third year of a Degree in Biomedical Science.
Package by:Alix Hattenstone
Recording: Violet Macdonald
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What's On In Camden, 23rd September
This week in Camden there is a talk at the London Irish Centre exploring the history of the building. Gerry Harrison, who wrote a book about the centre, will be speaking from 7pm on Wednesday. The Camden New Journal have put out a call for questions to be asked to Council leader Georgia Gould in a podcast. Farrah Rainfly of Life After Hummus will be running a healthy eating class next week with more to come soon.
Package by: Freddy, Violet, Martin and Joseph
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What's On in Camden 9th July 2017
Get out and about in the glorious sunshine! Go learn about incredible rainforest singers at the Roundhouse’s festival of choral voices; discover the ancient Japanese art of woodblock printing at the British Museum; or get out of the sun into the cool of a library by visiting the Gallery of Treasures at the British Library.
Package by: Beverley, Jo, Violet and Freddy
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