Camden Newscast 21
Camden council are seeking to license buskers in the borough but The Association of Street Artists and Performers (ASAP!) founder has vowed to fight the restrictions in court. Nikhita Chulani speaks to Jonny about this issue alongside local residents, Councillor Abdul Hai the Cabinet Member of Community Safety for Camden and Conservative Councillor Jonny Bucknell. Cyclist deaths have again hit the news and Freddy Chick discusses what can be done to improve safety with Camden Cyclists’ Jean Dollimore who heads the Camden Cycling Campaign. The first international newscast via Louise Morris focuses on the recent elections in Honduras and the current political climate, especially how this effects the lives of women in Honduras.
Features Editor & Presenter: Sarah O’Brien
Features by: Nikhita Chulani, Freddy Chick and Louise Morris
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Apprenticeships in Camden - One Hundred in One Hundred
Youth unemployment at the UK rose sharply after the economic crash and remains stubbornly high. There are fears this could be leading to another ‘lost generation’ of Britain’s youth.
Camden Council’s apprenticeship team are dedicated to helping young people into work. In Spring/Summer 2013 they ran an initiative called ‘Camden 100 in 100’. The idea was to create one-hundred apprenticeships in the borough in one-hundred days.
To find out more about the scheme, Camden Community Radio interviewed Rahima Khanum, an apprentice at the Wellcome Trust on Euston Road, and Brian Lim, her manager. We also spoke to Michael Pratt, from the council’s apprenticeship team, and councillor Valerie Leech.
Special thanks to Michael for all his help and to Rahima and Brian for giving up their time.
Package by: Freddy Chick
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Chats: Natalie Prentice, DJ Rudeboy P.Tosh & Joe Hughes
Natalie Prentice talks with Tosh. Package: Natalie Prentice
Joe Hughes talks with DJ Rudeboy
DJ Rudeboy P. Tosh starts to chat with Joe Hughes about Joe’s former Gospel Music programme on SKFM radio. Then they get to talking about the specific difficulties each faces; Joe has Aspergers Syndrone and Tash is Dyslexic with ADHD.
This file has been downloaded 279 times
Chats: Natalie Prentice, DJ Rudeboy P.Tosh & Joe Hughes
Natalie Prentice talks with Tosh. Package: Natalie Prentice
Joe Hughes talks with DJ Rudeboy
DJ Rudeboy P. Tosh starts to chat with Joe Hughes about Joe’s former Gospel Music programme on SKFM radio. Then they get to talking about the specific difficulties each faces; Joe has Aspergers Syndrone and Tash is Dyslexic with ADHD.
This file has been downloaded 168 times
Chats: Natalie Prentice, DJ Rudeboy P.Tosh & Joe Hughes
Natalie Prentice talks with Tosh. Package: Natalie Prentice
Joe Hughes talks with DJ Rudeboy
DJ Rudeboy P. Tosh starts to chat with Joe Hughes about Joe’s former Gospel Music programme on SKFM radio. Then they get to talking about the specific difficulties each faces; Joe has Aspergers Syndrone and Tash is Dyslexic with ADHD.
This file has been downloaded 273 times