Camden Unlocked, Refugee Week Radio, 19th July 2010
Khadeja Shireh of British Somali Community talks to Harriet Bird about the settlement of the Somali community in Camden. Asha Kin Duale, Community Partnership Advisor for the London Borough of Camden, talks to Marian Larragy about the work of the Partnership to embed child protection amongst all local communities. Matina Grebener talks with Debora SInger of Asylum Aid about its work over the past 20 years and about its Charter for a better understanding of the needs of female asylum seekers and refugees. Agnes Pareyio, from the Tasaru Rescue Centre, Narok, Kenya and Asha Kin Duale discuss the practice of Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) and their work to eradicate it. The music is from Miriam Murshali.
- British Somali Community
- 15 Years working for Somali Community In Camden
- Refugee Week Radio
- Community Partnership Project
- 8 London Boroughs working on child protection
- Asylum Aid
- Every Single Woman Campaign
- Tasaru Ntomonok initiative
- Camden Community Radio
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'New Neighbours' A book for Children - Refugee Week 2009
Matina Grebener interviews Olvia Fellas of Islington Coucil about IRIS, the Islington Refugee Integration Service, who tells her about a book produced as part of this year’s celebration for refugee week, ‘Different Pasts Shared Futures’. In the book, which is called, ‘New Neighbours’, refugee children tell their stories to other children, who in turn learn a little about where their new neighbours have come from and what they may have experienced en route to London.
- Camen Community Radio
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'Where Am I' - Jahan
- Camden Community Radio
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Camden Unlocked for Refugee Week Radio 2006
Camden Unlocked is a showcase, one hour magazine programme for CCRadio. Presented in English, Somali and French, this programme looks at the history of refugees in Camden. We hear how more recent refugee arrivals have settling and how they enrich our local culture. With music from around the world, views from Camden’s youngsters and a special guest interview with Cathy Atchison Refugee Week Radio coordinator. Angela Inglis’ package on the Albertini family restaurant in Somers Town starts about half way through the programme.
Presented by: Asha Kin Duale, Josette Koukoui & Marian Larragy
Production: London Link Radio
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