Ifeoma Onyefulu on her books for children
Photographer and Storyteller in the Igbo tradition of Nigeria, Ifeoma Onyefulu has been producing children’s books that tell traditional tales. Here she talks with Freddy Chick and introduces him to the liminal ancestors who are always present on special occasions, even if their presence is not quite acknowledged.
Recording: Marian Larragy
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The Roundhouse gets a Feminist Takeover - F Word
The Roundhouse gets a Feminist Takeover.
Fierce female line ups might be a thing of the past but they are also certainly the future. Meet the women who are proudly challenging gender politics in the music industry. Richard Pye chats to FWord founder Mackinlay Ingham and artist SADIE before they take over Camden Rpundhouse with FWord and friends on 25th October.
Package by: Richard Pye
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Kickstarting New Careers Through Access Courses
Matthew Clarke and Bradley Moon both left school at 16 with low qualifications. Matthew struggled with dyslexia and a lack of support at school. Bradley wasn’t interested in education, preferring to play football. Later in life, they each discovered the Access to Higher Education Programme, which has changed their lives. Here they talk with Camden Community Radio’s Alix Hattenstone about how Matthew has graduated with a first class Degree in Sports Science and Bradley is going into the third year of a Degree in Biomedical Science.
Package by:Alix Hattenstone
Recording: Violet Macdonald
This file has been downloaded 118 times
What Are they saying about the 8th Mrs Brown?
This piece was inspired by the fictional TV character Mrs Brown, which is set in Finglas, in North Dublin. A Finglas resident wonders what the people there think of the 8th amendment to the Irish constitution (which gives equal right to life to the foetus as to the pregnant woman), which is the subject of a referendum on 25th May. Taking a trip down memory lane and reviewing the hardships that putting the foetal hearbeat ahead of women’s health caused in Finglas (and all over Ireland). This audio was originally developed for a Speaking of IMELDA performance in Ireland in 2016.
The referendum to repeal the 8th Amendment to the Irish constitution and clear the way for permitting abortion up to 12 weeks takes place on 25th May. For more information, see the attached links
Package by: Marian Larragy
This file has been downloaded 125 times
Licence2Skill: Patricia O'Malley on the new online portal for mental health
Licence2skill is a pilot project of meaningful engagement for people who suffer with mental health illness, specifically depression, anxiety and stress. The project will be a service people can use to help cope with mental health issues and manage conditions before reaching crisis point and as a tool to prevent mental health deterioration.
Patricia O’Malley, founder of The Regency Training Foundation, discusses the history of the initiative and the new online learning Portal.
Package by Violet Macdonald.
This file has been downloaded 144 times