What's On in Camden, week beginning 7th December 2014
Watch ‘Young Soul Rebels’ for £2.50 on the British Film Institute’s Player. Crossroads Women’s Centre invites children and their carers to a FREE Kids Party with Captain Fantastic from 3pm to 5.30pm at 24 Worsley Mews, NW5 on on Saturday 13th. On the same day, there is a FREE event for the residents of Maiden Lane Estate to try out the new activities on offer at the community centre. Socialist Film Club presents ‘Pete Seeger – The Power of Song’ by Jim Brown and ‘Blacklisting – Giant Steps’ at 11am on Sunday 14th.
Read by: Ann Carroll, Joseph Hughes, Mel Wiliams & Muhammad Hakim.
Recorded and Edited by: Marian Larragy
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Russian LGBTQ Asylum Seeker faces Deportation
Ira Putilova has been detained today by UKBA officials. Ira is an LGBTQ person from Russia who is currently claiming asylum in the U.K for her own safety. In Russia she was harrassed, followed, and attacked, by state officials, the police and Neo Nazis because of her political activism and LGBTQ status; if she is returned to Russia she is likely to face torture, detention, and potentially death. She was taken to Yarls Wood Immigration Removal Centre and may face imminent deportation. Her campaign asks everyone reading this to spread the word about Ira and her situation, and to contact groups or people who might be able to help. All and any actions of support/solidarity are greatly appreciated by Ira and her Friends.
Read by: Marian Larragy
MONDAY 9.30PM _ Facebook Page Reports that Ira has been released!!!! There are other LGBTQ asylum seekers still facing deportation to places that are not safe for them.
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The Truth About Refugee Women and The British Asylum System
Year Eleven students from Parliament Hill School recorded this podcast about the mistreatment of refugees in the UK as part of their Citizenship Campaign. They did all of this, except for the recording, on their own.
Written & Read by: Eleanor, Farida, Idhil & Zelal
Recorded by: Marian Larragy
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A Gay Refugee from Uganda shares his story with Jayson Mansaray
Movement for Justice is proudly building a movement that is fighting for a future where we are all treated equally and where we can express our cultures and identities fully. We want to tell you about our experience and ask you to step forward as young civil rights leaders in your own schools, colleges and communities
Listen to Osman Kabogo’s story of persecution in Uganda.
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Camden Unlocked Refugee Week Radio 2011
Camden Unlocked celebrates Refugee Week with:
Interviews with Hari and with Peter Tatchell about the issues facing LGBT Refugees and Asylum Seekers from Sri Lanka
Interview with Sheila Hayman of ‘Freedom From Torture’ about their creative writing project.
Report from 15th Anniversary Celebration of Camden’s British Somali Community
Interviews with ‘Movement for Justice’ about its work to support asylum seekers and with a Gay Asylum Seeker from Senegal.
Presented by: Jayson Mansaray
Features by: Harriet Bird and Marian Larragy
Edited by: Aaron McCarter
- Stonewall 'No Going Back'
- LGBT Asylum News Blogspot
- Research Paper on UNHCR and sexual orientation
- UK Border Agency
- Paper on Sexual Orientation Issues in the Asylum Claim
- Movement For Justice
- A Celebration of the Human Spirit
- Peter Tatchell website
- Freedom From Torture
- Radio France International in English
- British Somali Community
- Dame Jane Roberts
- Back to Camden Community Radio
- Folow us on Twitter
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