What's on Feb 13th-18th
This week the Darryl McKay bring you a selection of the very best events in and around the London borough of Camden during the next 7 days. Highlights include music, theatre and half term activities at Corams fields, Castlehaven, Jewish Museum and Maiden lane community centre.
Presented by: Darryl McKay
Recorded & Edited by: Darryl McKay
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Camden Newscast - 9
Jayson talks to former Weekend Arts College student, Chris Preddie, who has been awarded an OBE for work in the community and the controversy that has followed; Darryl McKay explores what is happening with Camden’s two year youth work programme funding. Denise O’Connor reviews recent film release ‘Shame’. CCRadio’s FanBanter Presenter T O, reports on Arsenal Ladies fixtures and analyses the prospects for the team next season.
Presented and Edited by: Jayson Mansaray
Features by: Denise O’Connor, Darryl McKay, Jayson Mansaray and Taiwo Ogunlabi/Marian Larragy.
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British Youth Council - Work Experience for 16-19 year olds, Sept 2012
The British Youth Council is offering 24 week work placements to 16-19 year olds who are not in employment or training. To find out how it might help you and how the scheme works, listen to the podcast. There are five places available for the programme starting 3rd September 2012. Further Inquiries to:
Keith Morgan
British Youth Council
Tel:020 7250 8374
Mobile: 07809 507 367
Produced & Edited by: Marian Larragy
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Camden Newscast 8 - January 2012
Camden Newscast is back with the latest news:
Youth Employment opportunities are low and there is pressure to fix it. Darryl McKay checks out a new scheme in nearby Islington that addresses the problem.
Jayson Mansaray meets the Camden Met Police (MPS) about changes to Stop & Search laws and discovers that MPSCamden are Tweeting.
And at a time when many people need to borrow small amounts of money, Marian & Jayson take a look at an alternative way of borrowing: CamdenPlus – a local credit union. And Marian Larragy gives you a helping ‘hand’ to uncover Gaelic Handball in Camden.
Presented & Edited by Jayson Mansaray
Marian Larragy
Darryl McKay
Jayson Mansaray
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Camden Newscast 7
Darryl McKay looks at why the number 29 bus is changing shape; Police numbers in Camden are going up while London is experiencing cuts in policing – Jayson discovers that Camden Council is funding the gap; Charlotte talks to a new company of young actors who are toughing it out in Camden; Camden Council is worried that the changes to electoral boundaries will inhibit local development planning. Holborn & St Pancras MP, Frank Dobson talks with CCRadio about how the proposed electoral boundaries are being re-shaped. ; Marita Hutson discovers that if you think you are too wealthy too need a universal benefit such as winter fuel allowance, there are people who can help you to give that benefit to people who do need it. Lucy looks at how the simple run around the park is going Hi tech.
Presented by Jayson Mansaray
Features by: Darryl McKay, Marita Hutson, Charlotte Briere-Edney, Lucy Waterhouse and Jayson Mansaray
Readers: Athos Haber, DJ Rudeboy P Tosh, Cina Aissa and Charlotte Briere-Edney
This file has been downloaded 172 times