Black Cap Under Threat
There is a re-development proposal before Camden’s Development Control Committee which would destroy the Black Cap as we know it, a thriving pub and entertainment venue. This icon of the LGBT world will be lost if people do not make their objections known. Hear why this pub matters and what people think of the proposed re-development.
To make an objection, write to Camden Council. Quote Application Number is 2013/0262/P
Package by: Marian Larragy
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What's On in Camden WB 10th feb
LGBT History Month is celebrated with ‘Loudest Whispers’, where 30 artists exhibit their work, is at St Pancras Hospital. The life and legacy of maverick writer B. S. Johnson, is examined at the British Library. Lauderdale House hosts ‘Shadow Tails’ by Finger and Thumb Theatre for children aged 3+. To book, call Katherine Ives, 020 8348 8716 – Tickets £4.50. Mr Scruff is at Koko and there is a nautical knees up with Shore Leave at the Irish Centre in Camden Square.
Read by: Marian Larragy
Research: Sophie Atkinson, Mainga Bhima & Marian Larragy
Recorded by: Arsenio
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Music Showcase - John Atkin LIVE
Serena Britton starts her series of Music Showcases by talking with singer songwriter John Atkin who finishes with a live performance in the studio.
Presented by: Serena Britton
Recorded & Edited by: Serena Britton
Additional editing: Marian Larragy
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Central St Martins Moves to Victorian Granary Building in Kings Cross
Lucy Waterhouse has always wondered what lay to the north of the Eurostar trainline at King’s Cross. Seeing that changes were afoot, she decided to take a closer look and discovers that Central St Martin’s School of Art and Design has moved to King’s Cross. The campus for this New University of the Arts is built around a former Victorian granary. Lucy talks to Sir John Tusa, Chairman of University of the Arts and others to see what they make of the transformation.
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What's On : Week Beginning 7th May 2011
This week we talk about Ja Shaka Sound System in Kentish Town
Other events happening in Camden this week include:
The Madness of Andrea Yates
The Net Audio Festival
Little Angel Theatre
John Turnbull Trio
Rabindranath Tagore
Camden Live Music
The Tricycle Theatre
Read by:
Aaron McCarter, Bose Koku, Marian Larragy, Martin Lim & DJ Rudeboy P. Tosh
Edited by: Aaron McCarter
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