Camden's Hidden Treasures: St Pancras Old Church Gardens
Welcome to Camden’s Hidden Treasures hosted by Bonny Astor and featuring the Camden Tour Guides and their favourite secret places!
Bonny meets Camden Tour Guide Chris in a secret garden of tranquillity in the middle of King’s Cross’s chaos—St Pancras Old Church. Chris reveals a trove of hidden treasures including the original resting place of Mary Wollstonecraft origins of the iconic red telephone box.
Package by: Bonny Astor
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Camden's Hidden Treasures
Welcome to Camden’s Hidden Treasures hosted by Bonny Astor and featuring the Camden Tour Guides and their favourite secret places! Click on the links to hear about specific places.
Package by: Blnny Astor
This file has been downloaded 29 times
Tearing Us Apart 3: Psychedelic Journey
This week Violet and Freddy celebrate the 50th anniversary of Woodstock by going on a psychedelic journey into the hippy psychology. To do this they look at the work of two psychologists from the era: Abraham Maslow and Timothy Leary. And they share some far-out poetry.
Package by: Violet Macdonald & Freddy Chick
- Tearing Us Apart 2
- You are What You Eat
- Tearing Us Apart 1
- Erik Erikson through James Dean eyes
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UK Student Climate Network at Stop The Coup demo at Downing St August 31st 2019
Camden Community Radio met some of the UK Student Climate Network in Whitehall at the #Stopthecoup rally on Downing Street on August 21st.
She asked them why they were on the demo.
Package: Marian Larragy
This file has been downloaded 56 times
Keir Starmer MP at 'Stop the Coup' Rally, Russell Square, Saturday 31st
On Saturday 31st August, hundreds of people gathered in Camden to protest at the proposal that parliament be shut down for 5 weeks, essentially to inhibit elected MPs from stopping a No-Deal Brexit. Hear extracts of what some of the speakers said. ...
Georgia Gould, Leader Camden Council introduced the speakers at the rally to #StopTheCoup #DefendOurDemocracy at Russell Square – part of a UK-wide series of demonstrations:
Camden Community Radio compiled clips from most of the speakers as well as short podcasts of individual speakers. Like Sava, we weren’t there early enough to catch everybody but we did hear
Sava Asif, Lazzaro Pietragnoli EU Citizens’ Champion; Seb Dance, MEP Louisa Brewer – Lib Dem Councillor, Liz Wheatley – Branch Secretary, Camden Unison Branch; Labour Campaign for Free Movement
Joan Bakewell and Keir Starmer MP
Package: Marian Larragy
- Petition against Shutdown of Parliament for 5 weeks
- Demo for Free Movement of Migrants
- Voices from Russell Square
- Sava Asif
- Lazzaro Pietragnoli EU Citizens’ Champion
- Liz Wheatley – Secretary, Camden Unison Branch
- Seb Dance, MEP
- Louisa Brewer – Lib Dem Councillor
- Labour Campaign for Free Movement
- Joan Bakewell
- Speaker
- Back to Camden Community Radio
- Follow Camden Community Radio on Twitter
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