The Comedy Life of Ed Surname
Ed Surname has been making comedy TV on his website for years but now he’s moving into stand-up and he’s chosen our very own Camden Town to do it in. Hear how his life has turned into a comedy adventure and where he’s headed next.
- Laugh or Cry TV
- Watch Ed do moronic things on video
- T Birds
- Review of the bar in Finsbury Park
- Camden Community Radio
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Do You Remember Women's Night at The Drill Hall?
In researching the history of London’s Drill Hall Theatre, Marian Larragy discovered that the Drill Hall has a fond place in the hearts of some because Monday night used to be Women only night at the Drill Hall bar.
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What's On week beginning 5th March 2011
International Women’s Day: Free therapy tasters at Women and Health Camden, Launch of Rosa Luxemburg’s Letters;
Pan-Asian Film Festival; Drill Halll, A Personal History
Winterlong at the Soho Theatre
Read by:
Amy Solomon
David Kirkwood
Marian Larragy
Edited by: Aaron McCarter
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Is wine too pricey a tipple?
Twenty-five classy restaurants across London are this week offering discount prices on their finest wines. But why is it so expensive to buy a bottle of wine in a restaurant in the first place? CCRadio’s Harriet Bird spoke to wine-lovers and restaurant owners to find out.
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Opera is considered stuffy and elitist by the majority of young music lovers. But the Royal Opera House’s new production of Anna Nicole Smith shows a rising trend that’s taking the form in a different direction. Will Opera ever become a exciting genre again? CCRadio’s Harriet Bird went to meet the London Urban Collective, who are turning Opera into Hipopera.
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