Whats On: Week Beginning 10th October 2011
‘Microcron-Kusum, Secret Signs, Hidden Meanings’ by Owusu Ankomah is at the October Gallery; University College London opens its Tuesday lunch hour lecture series ‘The state of the Nation: Taking Stock’ to anyone interested in its research and academic work; There is a Tea Dance in Bidborough Street; Melissa Benn discusses her book ‘School Wars’ with Institute of Education’s Prof Jane Miller. Frieze Art Fair at Regent’s Park has talks, sculpture and fine food as well as the work of 2000 artists on display; The ‘Arab Spring’ is celebrated in art at Belsize Library; Legendary Kirtan singer, Krishna Das, brings ‘Journey of the Heat’ to the Camden Centre; The Premiere of ‘The Pirate Tapes’ from a young Somali-Canadian is at the Tricycle Cinema and ‘A Walk in the Woods’ plays at the theatre.
Read By: Jayson Mansaray, DJ Peter Tosh, Denise O’Connor, Martin Lim and Marian Larragy
Recording: Jayson Mansaray
Editing: Marian Larragy
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Camden Unsung
‘Camden’s Unsung Heroes’ was launched in January 2011, by the Mayor of Camden, Jonathan Simpson. Camden Community Radio’s Irene McGarvey went off to find out more about this musical, community initiative.
Many thanks to: Katy Spicer: Dot Frazer, Lisa Paulton and Harriet Powell for their contribution.
Margaret Humphery, Caroline Bartram and The Mayor, Jonathan Simpson for making it happen! Click on the link for a list of nominees
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What's On week beginning: 12th March 2011
Tickets for the London 2012 Olympic Games go on sale this week; Rosy apple, lemon and pear, on the history of children’s songs takes place at Cecil Sharp House, Funky Junction; Celebrating St Patrick’s Day with music and dance; a talk on London’s Regency Architecture at Keat’s House; Playing at New End Theatre; Tracing the ancestors at the Charlie Ratchford Centre; Preview Barcelona’s Sonar Festival the Roundhouse; See Bridge of Knowledge, an exhibition of historical manuscripts from Europe and the Islamic World, at the School of Oriental and African Studies; and find the ‘Rocktivism’ gig of the week.
Read by:
Aaron McCarter, Amy Solomon, Harriet Bird, David Kirkwood, DJ Rudeboy P. Tosh, Marian Larragy and Martin Lim
Edited by: Aaron McCarter
- A Taste of Sonar
- London 2012 Ticketing
- Tickets for the London 2012 Olympic and Paralympic Games
- St Patrick's Day in London
- 'Rosy apple, lemon and a pear
- English Folk Dance & Song Society
- Keat's House in Hampstead
- New End Theatre
- Genealogy tracing at Charlie Ratchford Centre
- Barbican Cinema
- Funky Junk at Kingsgate Pop Up Shop
- Bridge of Knowledge
- UK Uncut: Rocktivism
- Back to Camden Community Radio
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